I wanted to share this right from the day I watched the film 'Salt N' Pepper' (Malayalam) which is gracefully scripted by Ashiq Abu. The lead characters Kalidasan (Lal) & Maya (Swetha Menon) help each other to make a cake named 'Joan's Rainbow' through phone conversations.
Right after watching the movie I googled for Joan's Rainbow, all I got was some cake recipes. I wanted to read the whole story (as the cake story was shown in bits in the movie) but didn't get it from any authentic sites or books. So here it is for you... (as narrated in the movie)
The story is about Joan, a French lady who awaits the return of her husband Albert
who is fighting in the second world war, far away from home. Its been told to her that the war might end on that day so she bakes a cake made with milk and delicious strawberry and waits for him.
However he does not return that day.
On the second day she baked a pistachio-flavoured
cake, only to be disappointed again. She added a layer of the pista cake to the first day's cake with
some whipped cream.
Her wait continued into the third day when she made
an orange cake but Albert still did not come. She went to bed disappointed
that night. Next morning her love arrived bearing a gift of good
chocolates for his lady.
They hugged and kissed each other ending their separation for years.
She combined all the cakes and melted the chocolates he brought and poured it over the cake. When they ate the cake together, Albert whispered in Joan's ears that she have ended a world war by her love
P.s - The movie Salt N' Pepper is to be remade in Tamil soon with the name 'Un Samayal Arayil' starred by Prakashraj and Tabu.
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